Uprooting the weeds of bad habits

Addictions are very deep; they are like weeds. If you cut a weed it just grows right back. If you cut it again, it grows back again. The more you cut it, the more it grows. And if you don’t cut it, it will strangle the flower of your consciousness. …

The world is a mirror of our consciousness

This whole world, as far as perception, is a mirror of our own consciousness. Nobody sees the same thing in the world in the same way. Whatever and whoever we come in contact with, we are going to see according to our own state of consciousness. Yes the world is …

‘Gratitude and Ingratitude’

“In order for the seed to grow, it has to have soft and fertile ground. Gratitude makes our heart soft. Gratitude fertilizes our heart. Gratitude enables the seed of bhakti to grow. When we expect, when we think we deserve, when we want something very different than what we are …