Impossible is a word in a fool’s dictionary

Impossible is the word in a fools dictionary. Nothing is impossible with the grace of God. There are many things which are impossible for you and me, but with the grace of God, nothing is impossible – Radhanath Swami. “Impossible is a word to be found only in the dictionary of fools.” These were the …

Undying Positive Attitude

One of my dearest God-sisters, who was like a mother to me, She was on her death bed in London and I left from Mumbai to go to visit her. I happened by Gods Grace to come just the day before she passed away. And she was saying, she was …

How rich are you?

Earlier this year I was invited to the house of the lords in London and that was a very what am I doing in the house of the lords. I was remembering that 43 years before I was sitting on the river bank of the river Thames completely confused about …

At every moment

“So we should always be sincerely trying to cultivate Love of God at each moment.” – Radhanath Swami Time’s precious; how we spend every moment determines our future. Those determined for worldly achievements keep their time under vigilance; the less determined squander away precious time.

Where’s the Bhava?

But the prayers are the package by which we send a message to Krishna or to God according to our particular religion. You have an envelope, you may even have the right address on it. Some people put the wrong address on. You have an envelope, if you are not …

Coloured Glasses

You always see everyone according to how you see, you think everyone is like you. An envious person evaluates everybody as being envious, a lusty person evaluates that everyone’s motive must be lust. A proud person, he evaluates that everyone’s motive must be pride. According to the colour glasses that …


Without forgiveness no relationships can be satisfied, no relationships can survive – Radhanath Swami. An important ingrediant of healthy relationships is…………

What’s Yoga?

What’s Yoga? What’s the Vedic definition? Radhanath Swami gives a comprehensive definition in this clip. From the Vedic perspective, yoga means union, yoga means harmony. The harmony between humans, between other species of life, between nature and between God, that is Yoga – Radhanath Swami.  

It doesn’t matter where you stay

A lot of energy goes into deciding where you gonna stay….this audio clipping by Radhanath Swami might help you decide. Whether you are living in beautiful palace, or whether you are living in a straw hut or whether you are living in a cave, if you are satisfied within you …