Uprooting the weeds of bad habits

Addictions are very deep; they are like weeds. If you cut a weed it just grows right back. If you cut it again, it grows back again. The more you cut it, the more it grows. And if you don’t cut it, it will strangle the flower of your consciousness. …

How Spirituality Can Solve All World Problems

When the heart is pure when there is love of god awakened then compassion for every living being becomes our inherent nature what is more desperately needed in this world than the loving compassionate hearts, hearts that are humble tolerant forgiving respectful to all. Hearts that are actually well wishing …

The Greatest Problem is the Hungry Heart

I write about in this book that recently came out – The Journey Home, the time I spent with Mother Teresa in Calcutta, in about 1971. And I remember she told me something, very striking. She said that the greatest problem in this world is Hunger. Not Hunger of the …